TITLE (Times New Roman 12-point font; center your title):






Authors & affiliations (Times New Roman font, 12-point, italics; centered):

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A.B. Genius*1, V. Youngster2, F. Collins1, G.H. Schmitz3

1University of Connecticut; 2Alexion Pharmaceuticals, New Haven CT; 3Acorp Inc., Germany

Lay Summary: Your abstract must use 10-point, normal style Times New Roman font, contain no more than 150 words and should be placed here:




Scientific Abstract: Your abstract must use 10-point, normal style Times New Roman font and must fit in this box.  Your scientific abstract should be no longer than 300 words.












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Text Box: ______Check here if you are a graduate student or postdoc and would like to be considered for the Milt Wallack award.  (For more information on the Wallack award, go to www.stemconn.org. In order to be eligible for this award, you must also have your mentor send a recommendation for you to: stemconn20abstracts@gmail.com by March 5, 2020.